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Our Mission 

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Our Mission 

We exist to REPRESENT the love of Jesus Christ to the broken and the afflicted. We are a global, missions sending, non-profit organization focused on providing children's homes with assistance and support through sustainability and education. 

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Our Vision 

We want to see every child and children's home in Argentina 100% independent.  We want to encourage, empower, and equip them to function independently, without relying on the need for charity. We want more for them than just their mere survival; we want to help them discover their future and their purpose. 

"Defend the rights of the poor and the orphans; be fair to the needy and the helpless."

PSALM 82:3 | GNT

THIS IS HOW WE represent.

1. We Love God's Children

Throughout Scripture, we see God’s heart for the fatherless and James 1:27 makes very clear the mandate to care for orphaned children for His glory. We believe that one of the responsibilities of God’s people is to care for widows, orphans, and those who have been marginalized by the economic and social systems of the world. That is why we come alongside the body of Christ to support orphanages and children’s homes.

Image by Fermin Rodriguez Penelas

2. We Support Families

We want every child to have a loving, supportive family, but unfortunately, that is not an immediate option for most children worldwide. That’s why we believe our place in the ever-evolving landscape of orphan care is to support orphanages and children’s homes. We understand that the lives of children are depending on us, thus, failure isn’t an option.

3. We Promote Healing & Growth

Orphaned children come from many different backgrounds, but the one thing nearly all have in common is they come from high trauma situations. We not only want to rescue and restore by providing programs of therapy, but we want to transform lives. We want to equip children with the tools necessary to become successful bright lights shining in the world.

Image by Zoe Schaeffer

4. We Provide Sustainable Solutions

We come alongside partner homes with training opportunities to raise their standards of care, because we believe every child has a right to a safe and nurturing childhood.  We also provide the means for our children's homes to pursue self-sustainability, because we want more for them than mere survival. Our goal is 100% independence for every child we support and every children's home. 

5. We Build Homes, Literally

We let our actions speak for themselves. We partner with local children homes to provide engineering solutions through building construction, design, and repairs. Similar to Engineers Without Borders, we provide infrastructure projects to provide adequate facilities for the needs of  both the children and staff. While we may not be able to bring every orphan into our families, we can work diligently to better the actual buildings, facilities, and overall living conditions of children living in group homes, today.

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