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abouT us

Throughout Scripture, we see God’s heart for the fatherless and James 1:27 makes very clear the mandate to care for orphaned children for His glory. We believe that one of the responsibilities of God’s people is to care for widows, orphans, and those who have been marginalized by the economic and social systems of the world. That is why we come alongside the body of Christ to support orphanages and children’s homes.

      REPRESENT was founded by Ty Rawlings, a mechanical engineer from Atlanta, Georgia, who played football at Georgia Tech. After graduation, Ty went on to work for General Electric (GE), but before his first day on the job, he asked them for an unusual request: that GE would delay his start date by three months that he may volunteer at a children's home in Argentina.

      Now before graduation, Ty had contacted dozens of missionaries (all of whom he did not know) across South America for opportunities to serve, and only one responded, which was a small children's home in Argentina. It was there that Ty realized the calling upon his life to serve, but he was not quite sure how to pursue that calling. 

      Ty returned to the USA and worked with GE designing combustion gas turbines for power generation. He would use his two weeks of work vacation each year to return to that children's home to work on various building construction projects. He worked for GE for 6 years until he could not stand it any longer: he had to do more. 

      In 2018, Ty resigned from his engineering role and pursued the call of missions upon his life, where he has since served as a full-time missionary in Latin America. Since, Ty has lived on campus at the children's homes to have a first-hand, immediate impact upon their restoration, growth, and development. 

      In 2021, Ty started REPRESENT to accommodate for the growing need for orphan care throughout all of Latin America, and to allow for others who may not be physically able to travel to Latin America, to be able to help and show love to God's children as well.

Our founder

Our Story



These are the irrefutable ordinances for our ministry. These are our defining characteristics for our culture.


Our faith is concrete. It's our basis and fundamentals for everything that we do. 

OUR Values

These are our core competencies. This is how we tie it all together: our focus on loving and caring for His children. 

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