Our Purpose
REPRESENT is a missions sending, non-profit organization focused on providing children's homes in Latin America with assistance and support through sustainability and education.
Our name
/ rep · re · sent /
rep · rə · 'zent
Both REPRESENT and SENT are expressions that inspire positivity, excitement, and passion.
REPRESENT shows a sense of belonging and supporting a cause that we believe in. It also serves as a reminder for why we love and why we serve. Our goal is to be a shining light to the world and an outstanding example as representatives of Christ.

SENT is an action word that summarizes our purpose as a missions organization: TO GO. It also serves as an encouraging reminder that in everything we do, we give it our all. Whether it's building a new children's dorm, designing the layout for a sustainability project, or simply reading a bedtime story to a child - go for it, and go big.
verb (1)
These are the attributes that define us as a ministry and as an organization.

Latin America
100% of our efforts are focused towards children, their families, and their communities in Latin America.
We partner with local children's homes to develop sustainability projects, eliminating the reliance on charity. Our goal is to teach people how to fish, not to give them fish.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and genuine is this: to visit and look after the orphans…and to keep oneself uncorrupted by the world..”
JAMES 1:27 | ASV

How you can get involved and
represent missions Today

You can support one of our partner homes by providing a donation that will go directly to that specific home. This amount will cover necessities such as food, housing, clothing, education expenses, etc.
This is a personal way to show love to a child in need.

team projects
Hands-on solutions that are engineered solutions for orphanage infrastructure and community development. Short-term volunteer trips (typically 5-15 days) that provide long-term solutions.
i.e. Building Construction, Medical Missions, Youth Education, Engineers Without Borders, VBS-style Children's Ministry, Evangelism, etc.

“Then Jesus said to them again, 'Peace to you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you [as My representatives]'"
JOHN 20:21 | AMP

We all may not physically be able to travel to each orphanage around the world to love on God's children, but each of us can still make an impact and a big difference in the lives of children today.
Your one-time or reoccurring donation will always go directly to support child care - operational expenses, electricity, food, clothing, projects, maintenance, education, etc.